M&A Due Diligence
Make sure your deal is calibrated to the unique regulatory requirements of the alc-bev industry.
We serve them all.
The Barnes Beverage team has significant M&A due diligence experience as internal and external counsel.
Our attorneys and compliance professionals have counseled clients on deal structure, corporate organization, funding sources, and all manner of diligence focused on beverage regulatory issues.
We have successfully guided client businesses through the regulatory hurdles associated with:
Asset and stock purchase agreements involving brewing facilities, taprooms, brewpubs, distilleries, and other facilities across a majority of the US.
Selling or acquiring brands with national distribution manufactured by third parties.
Strategic planning for distribution agreement disputes and wholesaler negotiations.
For clients interested in our diligence expertise, we have conducted risk-based diligence for regulatory and compliance issues specific to alc-bev across a wide range of assets, including:
Breweries and other physical facilities;
International brands and associated IP;
Rights granted by contract to distributors.

We're Here To Represent You!

No matter how compliant you are, sometimes the TTB or a state agency comes knocking. We’ve been there! If you get any communication from an agency, we can help. We’ve represented companies against TTB and state agencies for license inquiries, cross tier questions, labeling concerns, and trade practices violations, among other issues.

Connect With Us
Please contact us with any specific questions about who we are and what we do. Let's get to know each other, send us an email today to set up an introduction.